Yorkton students create safety PSA aimed at preventing youth from going missing – CTV News
May 6, 2019
There are currently 134 historical missing persons cases in Saskatchewan, and three Yorkton-based students don’t want to see that number go any higher.
Kirstyn Kennedy, Brandi McKay and Amy Esquash, students at Yorkton Regional High School, helped create a video series called “Our Voices”, a PSA for youth, Indigenous youth in particular, about protecting themselves and staying as safe as possible.
“I hope they can take away tips and just things they can do to keep themselves safe and others safe,” Kennedy said.
“I hope people stay safe and follow the safety procedures that we talked about in the video,” said McKay.
The videos show a number of common situations young people, especially girls, may find themselves or their friends in such as walking alone, going to a party, or meeting someone new online.
Read More: https://regina.ctvnews.ca/yorkton-students-create-safety-psa-aimed-at-preventing-youth-from-going-missing-1.4410918