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Tribute to Edwin St. Pierre at Honouring Our Heroes – GDI

by ahnationtalk on November 24, 202372 Views

Nov 24, 2023

November has a number of special days to the Métis. On November 8th, we observed National Indigenous Veterans Day, followed by Remembrance Day on November 11th, and Louis Riel Day on November 16th. As such, we called the week of events Louis Riel and Métis Veterans Honour Week through which we hold a number of cultural events.

This year, on November 15th, we held a special event at the Remai Modern in Saskatoon at which we screened the GDI film, Honouring Our Heroes, which engages the six Métis performing artists featured on the recordings that were made to raise funds for the National Métis Veterans Memorial Monument, now fully erected at the Batoche Festival Grounds. The event was complemented by readings from Gregory Scofield and entertainment from Donny Parenteau. Scofield read from his book, Louis the Heretic Poems while Parenteau performed some of the songs from the fundraising CD and several newer songs as well. It was an honour to pay tribute to our recently departed Métis veteran, Edwin St. Pierre who passed away in late September. Edwin’s widow, Harriet Oaks St. Pierre was invited to be a special guest as we honoured Edwin with a tribute delivered by Karon Shmon.

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