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SIRT Investigating Vehicle Collision on Moosomin First Nation

by ahnationtalk on May 31, 2023113 Views

May 30, 2023

On Saturday, May 27 at approximately 9:10 a.m., the Saskatchewan Serious Incident Response Team (SIRT) received a notification from the RCMP regarding a serious incident involving police.

SIRT’s Civilian Executive Director accepted the notification as within SIRT’s mandate and directed an investigation by SIRT.

Earlier that morning, a member of the RCMP attempted a traffic stop on a black Chevrolet Cruz on a grid road on the Moosomin First Nation. The member followed the vehicle and activated his lights, but the car failed to stop. The member deactivated his lights and came to a stop on a roadside approach. Approximately one kilometre from where the member stopped, the Cruz left the road and rolled, resulting in injuries to four occupants.

Immediately following the notification, a SIRT team consisting of the Civilian Executive Director and four SIRT Investigators was deployed to the scene on Moosomin First Nation and the Battleford RCMP detachment to begin their investigation. A community liaison will also be appointed pursuant to S.91.12(1)(a) of The Police Act, 1990.

SIRT’s investigation will examine the conduct of police during this incident. The RCMP will maintain conduct of the investigation into the actions of the vehicles’ occupants. No further information will be released at this time. A final report will be issued to the public within 90 days of the investigation ending.

SIRT’s mandate is to independently investigate incidents where an individual has died or suffered serious injury arising from the actions of on and off-duty police officers, or while in the custody of police, as well as allegations of sexual assault or interpersonal violence involving police.

For updates on SIRT investigations, follow SIRT on Twitter at


For more information, contact:

Noel Busse
Justice and Attorney General
Phone: 306-787-8959


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