Province Provides $400,000 to Hospitality Saskatchewan to Grow the Workforce
April 2, 2024
Today, the Government of Saskatchewan announced a partnership with Hospitality Saskatchewan to address labour shortages in the hospitality industry. Through this partnership, the province is helping hospitality sector employers find the workforce they need, while also connecting Saskatchewan people to local, in-demand jobs.
The partnership provides $400,000 to Hospitality Saskatchewan to expand and strengthen workforce development initiatives in the hospitality sector by leading the development of a sector plan to recruit, settle and retain local and international workers.
“Small and medium-sized businesses are foundational to Saskatchewan’s hospitality and tourism sector, and they play a vital role in Saskatchewan’s economy through job creation and driving growth in all regions of the province,” Immigration and Career Training Minister Jeremy Harrison said. “This investment supports Saskatchewan’s Labour Market Strategy by preparing jobseekers for the opportunities employers in the tourism and hospitality sector are creating, with a focus on growing Indigenous participation in the workforce.”
The funding provided to Hospitality Saskatchewan will help develop workforce solutions tailored to the unique needs of the hospitality sector. This includes expanding and strengthening partnerships with Indigenous communities to grow the participation of Indigenous people in the tourism sector and connecting businesses to newcomer settlement supports.
“This is terrific news and will better position our industry to address the labour shortages faced by our membership,” Hospitality Saskatchewan President and CEO Jim Bence said. “We are very pleased with this investment in our industry by the government and we much appreciate their continued support.”
By working directly with industry, the province is better positioned to provide employers with the support required to address job vacancies and promote growth in the industry.
The Government of Saskatchewan works with partners like Hospitality Saskatchewan to help address labour shortages, support newcomer settlement in Saskatchewan, and promote careers in growing industries. These targeted investments support the recently released Saskatchewan Labour Market Strategy, which outlines how the province is growing and developing the workforce to meet employer demand and ensure Saskatchewan people benefit from the province’s growing economy.
For more information, contact:
Nipun Taneja
Immigration and Career Training
Phone: 306-510-2786

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