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Gabriel Dumont Insitute 2024 Annual General Meeting

by ahnationtalk on April 2, 202462 Views

Apr 2, 2024

In Saskatoon, the Gabriel Dumont Insitute held the 2024 Annual General Meeting (AGM) on March 22nd, 2024. Elders, community members, past leaders, Métis Nation—Saskatchewan (MN—S) representatives, and GDI staff from across the province came together to review the past year of the Institute’s important work.

The meeting began with a prayer from Elder, Senator Nora Cummings, and Amy Briley, GDI Program Coordinator, welcomed guests on behalf of the Institute. MN—S Minister and GDI Board Chair Wendy Gervais, shared her own educational journey with GDI, and her appreciation for the hard work of the Board and staff to keep that journey going for future generations. Finally, Dr. Cheryl Troupe was appointed as the speaker for the meeting, and the AGM began.

Acting Executive Director, Brett Vandale presented the Operations Report for 2022/2023. He began by reminding everyone of the GDI mission that encompasses all the hopes and dreams of the founders in 1980. The GDI governance structure remains unchanged as the designated education affiliate of the MN—S, GDI has always been its own legal entity with its own bylaws and constitution. Overall, the report pointed towards the progress made in relation to GDI’s 2022—2027 Strategic Plan: Proud Past, Bright Future, which drives all the current operations for the Institute.

Beverly Lonsdale, Director of Finance, delivered the Institute’s financial report, reviewing the positive growth over the past five years. The Institute remains in a strong financial positon thanks to our diversified revenue streams and strong partnerships.

2022/2023 Annual Report, GDI Entity Financial Statements, and the Strategic Plan can be found online at:

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